

About the project

Bee Wallonie is a project subsidised by the Walloon Region (Belgium) which associates two partners: CARI asbl and CRA-W. The project is planned for the period from 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2022. It finances 1.5 FTEs. The Walloon Region has entrusted CARI asbl and CRA-W with the mission of supervising, promoting and developing beekeeping in Wallonia.

The CARI asbl is in charge of part 1 of the project \"Support and development of the beekeeping sector\". It is also in charge of part of part 2 \"Bee health, agriculture and environment\", the other part coming under the attributions of the CRA-W.

Under the second part of the project, CARI asbl and CRA-W, in collaboration with the HoneybeeValley, have historically participated to the collection of winter mortality data following the methodology proposed by the COLOSS Association, including the FAB-BBF (Federation Apicole Belge - Belgische Bijenhoudersfederatie). More information of the global COLOSS project here.

Contact details

  • eb.irac@nomis

About shared data

Total number of data points shared: 4,507

Autumn Count before winter

Number of colonies alive before winter

Lost colonies because of natural disaster

How many colonies where alive after winter

Lost colonies because they had a queen problem

How many colonies where alive after winter

Lost colonies because they were dead

Lost colonies because they were dead

Spring Count after winter

How many colonies where alive after winter

Winter mortality

Per cent of Bee mortality during Winter.

Winter mortality

Percent of Bee mortality during Winter.